Wetland Ashigo
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Wetland ashigos are a subspecies of ashigos, they have adapted to living in the tropical rainforest, compared to other subspecies Wetlands have the most in common with grassland ashigos. They are the same size and are both herbivores, they eat fruit, vegetables, roots and nuts. They are surprisingly good diggers, they use this skill to dig in the ground looking for roots, vegetables and some types of nuts. Their prehensile tail allows them to climb up high and get to fruit that grows at the top of the tree. Wetland ashigos have strange-looking hooves, unlike grassland and desert ashigo they are spilt into three different sections, most likely this is to help with climbing trees.

Wetland ashigos also have the largest claws, they use them to grab ahold of the surface they are trying to climb. The most unusual thing about Wetland ashigos is their large scythe-like claw that is usually located on the middle digit. The wetland ashigo store a powerful venom inside them, the claw itself is very sharp and able to cut through majority of organic materials. Ashigolings have a claw but no venom, it is something they develop later in life. Wetland ashigos are immune to the venom, but the cut made from them is painful and the venom can have the chance to make them a little nauseous, but nothing serious.
Wetland ashigos have excellent hearing, they can be commonly seen with long droopy ears, it is believed that their ears became so long that they then began to droop from their weight. Wetland ashigos have a much more defined philtrum ( the line that comes from the nose to the mouth ) while on other ashigos it is almost invisible. Wetland ashigos, like grassland ashigos, are prone to feather growth on their bodies. they typically sprout from their heads and arms.
Wetland ashigos are also known to enjoy swimming as an activity and is something they will do regularly alongside climbing trees. Wetland ashigos with feathered wings or arms will climb trees and jump off them to glide across the jungle all for fun!

Wetland ashigos are native to the Bungalow Jungle, they live in treehouses that are built high up in the trees, They are made from leaves, bits of stripped branches and wood alongside some fabric to serve as curtains to help with the rainstorms that happen often. While not as deadly as the sandstorms in the Cashew desert, Bungalow's Jungle happen more often, many times throughout the year a massive flood will happen and the water will rise to half submerge the trees, this is the main reason they build their homes so high up. They will decorate their homes with seashells, pretty rocks, flowers and carved wooden sculptures.
Wetland ashigos also enjoy crafting their own paints and using them to paint pictures onto their homes, their villages tend to be very colourful and full of life, with massive floating garden baskets that they hang on every home, and there are bridges that connect their homes together that are always decorated with bright colourful flowers and feathers. Wetland ashigos are very creative and love to share their talents with each other.

Wetland ashigo villages work similarly to Aqua ashigo's familys, however unlike them, they are larger groups and communities and just don't consist of relatives and friends. There are two leaders in Wetland villages, the deputy and the elder. The elder words are valued more than the other leader's words, and they have the final say on everything, it is considered taboo to disobey the elder's words.

The elder - the wisest ashigo, is believed to be able to speak with the wind, trees and water. This ability is an ancient gift from Olma that is passed from elder to elder through a ritual.
The Deputy - the strongest most capable ashigo to lead, they are chosen by both the village and Elder for the job. It is common for the deputy to take the elder's place when they to the nextworld.
Village members - Ashigos that trained in gathering, fighting, building, foraging and the creative arts. They pick and choose what activity they want to do most days, sometimes the deputy tells them what job to do.
Trainees - Ashigolings who are learning the way of the world, they will tag along with their parents/guardians to learn important life skills.
Retired - Ashigos who are too old to perform daily tasks
Wetland ashigo villages are spilt into two, the ones that love Annos, and the ones that hate them. It is unknown how the conflict between them started in the first place but it is a heated debate. The ashigos that like annos have their own companion annos that they go everywhere with, while the ashigos that hate them, well wear the annos' signature three horns as necklaces and jewellery. Obviously, the ashigos who love annos are very annoyed by this fact and try to stop them from harming them. This has led to a multi-generational conflict between the two sides.
Relations between Aqua and Wetland ashigos are very good, they have both lived in Bungalow jungles for many generations and have never had any real conflict between them. Aqua ashigos that live in bungalow jungle tend to live closer to the ground and don't mind the flooding and rain, because of this wetland ashigos don't see much of them.